Monday 15 October 2012

Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time, perhaps in a land not so far away as you may think, there was a girl. She was average enough although we all have our quirks. She went to a decent school, did well in class, and had amazing friends she could always count on. This girl could have been anyone. But it wasn't.
It was me.
I'd say it seems like only yesterday that my parents and I up and moved, but of course, it really WAS just yesterday. I still haven't gotten used to the time change. It's just an hour difference, but haven't accepted it yet. The clocks around me and my laptop tell me one time, whereas my phone and other electronics tell me it's an hour earlier. Very, very confusing but I refuse to give in.
I suppose this is all terribly boring, as introductions usually are. Get to the point goddammit, no one cares.
Truth be told, I'm a writer who can't write very well. A quote keeps coming to mind from John Jerome's novel The Writing Trade. "I've always been much more interested in writing than in any of the subjects I was writing about". It's really more the idea of writing that pulls you in, rather than the actual message you're trying to get across. It's invigorating really, the feeling of actually getting something from mind to paper..or keyboard in this case. Doesn't even matter what it is as long as you're in the act of doing it.
Little Strawberry Charm
from my Painted Doll
I suppose this all explains the title for my blog. "Start Another Story". But really there's more to it than just writing. Friday was my last day at my old school and was full of goodbyes. I'm surprised I'm not out of tears by now, but I'm getting there. Saying goodbye to my 3 closest friends was the hardest part. My best friend, the little Painted Doll ♥, is actually the reason I'm even writing this blog. She says--and I quote-- "I want to stalk your life". She also has one of course, and I do indeed check it daily: ~Graveyard Tea Party~
At the end of the day, she came up to me and gave me a little charm. ♥ I have it on my necklace right now, and she has it's twin. They're strawberries because in Japanese, strawberry is called "ichigo" and it is also the name of a character in an anime she watches. Everytime I'd say Ichigo referring to the berry, it would upset her. X3 Also attached to it was a little piece of paper which I noticed later on, had writing on it.
"Start Another Story"
So much meaning behind such simple little words. It also referred to a song title from Emilie Autumn's new album F.L.A.G.. Both my Painted Doll and I are complete Plague Rats (as E.A. calls her fans). I look forward to spreading the plague at my new school next week and will continue discussing E.A. in another entry later on.
And finally, because I've made a promise to a friend saying I'd be finished writing this eternal entry soon, I suppose I'll leave the rest for another time. I'd hate to have him make fun of me and call me a liar. XD
♥ Au revoir.

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